(Click for larger image)
I got hold of this on Wednesday, the car boot was called off because of rain, I spotted this outside our community center that has just been upgraded to a
Surestart building.
It was put out with the rubbish, so I threw it into the car as fast as I could, when we got home we noticed it was very filthy, but only with dust, so it went for a shower! Now its nice and clean.
Its pretty big, about 24" wide and 18" deep plus 24" tall. It doesn't have any furniture or figures, I suspect its for figures about 4"-5" tall, but Emma plays with it with her
Little People figures (about 2" tall). I can't find a weblink for it, but from the style etc. I think its about 20 years old.
My initial thoughts where I'd give it away on
DontDumpThat if Emma doesn't like it, but she loves it, she has played with it every day, most of the day since I got it, she has even climbed onto the roof :) When she outgrows it I'll put it on
DontDunpThat, to let another child have fun with it. I Hate to see usable items thrown out. I'm a real believer in reusing (hence this blog).